After applying any of the evaluation methods, it is important to analyze staff performance and identify areas for improvement . This can be done by observing staff performance in relation to established standards.
To ensure maintenance of performance skills, supervisors should take the following actions:
Regularly monitor target behavior. This means observing staff behavior in the workplace to ensure they are meeting established standards. Regular supervision can help identify early performance problems and provide opportunities for intervention.
Provide feedback on competency and job performance to staff. This feedback should be specific, timely and constructive, and should help staff improve their performance. Feedback should focus on observable, measurable behavior, and should provide staff with information on how they can improve.
Control contingencies that may affect work behavior. Contingencies are events that occur after a behavior and that affect the probability that that behavior will occur again. Supervisors can manage contingencies by providing positive reinforcement, such as praise or pay increases, or negative punishment, such as criticism or suspensions. Positive reinforcement can help strengthen desired behaviors, while negative punishment can help reduce unwanted behaviors.
The actions supervisors take to ensure the maintenance of performance skills will depend on the specific needs of the organization and staff. However, the actions above are a good base to start from.